Case Study

Van Dyke Public Schools

Warren, MI
Classroom of 5th grade students in Detroit

About the Community

Van Dyke borders the city of Detroit. Van Dyke streets are named for autos that were historically manufactured in the area. Van Dyke was annexed into Warren County but the historical name is remembered through the "Van Dyke" Public Schools. It's a community where families are becoming more involved than ever before and are pushing for more resources as they want the best for their children.


  • Students with extreme stress and anxiety
  • Students had dysregulation issues
  • Students were reacting inappropriately to conflict
  • District wants students to recognize inappropriate behavior and have proper skills to manage that behavior moving forward

The Solution: TEAMTalk by TEAMology

  • A student-teacher friendly way to gather formalized data from an informal setting.
  • Students engage with TEAMtalk, while adults have access and can check-in, when necessary.
  • Ability for students to have 1 :1 coaching sessions was really important.
  • Captured several issues where CPS needed to intervene.
  • Many students would never have reached out to discuss issues such as food insecurities, if not for TEAMtalk.
  • Educators welcomed the Al component of TEAMtalk, as a way to instantly address concerns that would have otherwise been missed.

Data Watch

The district currently uses climate surveys to gauge how students feel in their classroom settings.

They will continue to collect and review that data for their 4/5 th grade students. By monitoring the TEAMology data and trends, they have created social and intervention groups that have been lauded by parents, such as grief and incarcerated parent groups.

Looking forward to gathering more TEAMology feedback. We believe in opportunity for all students. Our motto is 'Every student, every day, no matter what!"' We believe that partnering with TEAMology will be helpful.

District & TEAMology Moving Forward

  • District implemented mid-school year 2024 have expanded to K-8 full implementation for school year 24/25.
  • They will be incorporating TEAMology curriculum for middle school groups as well. There is a problem with students not speaking to adults and peers kindly. We'd like the curriculum to adjust this behavior and lessen the "negative talk."

Van Dyke Public Schools

Superintendent: Mrs. Piper L. Bognar


  • 2225 Students
  • 66% African American
  • 17% White
  • 13% Multi Race
  • 4%  Asian/Native American/Hispanic
  • 100% Free & Reduced Lunch